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The BOXABL Directory is the place where you’re able to explore and contact our approved dealers in states where we are able to sell our Casita. These dealers are responsible for facilitating the next steps in your Casita order from site plan through final installation.
You are able to sign up your business to be listed as a dealer through the ’’Register Your Business’’ button on the top of this page. Once you’ve submitted your initial application, you will be prompted to upload required business documents & state specific documents within your account for us to review. We will be in touch throughout the process.
When someone submits their application to be listed on the directory, they are required to provide business information as well as various documents such as their W9, Certificate of Insurance, and any state-specific licenses for our team to review prior to them being listed on the Directory. We also require dealers and installers to complete an in-person installer training hosted by BOXABL prior to them ordering their first unit. We will continue to monitor dealer performance over time, and encourage customers to provide feedback both positive & negative throughout their purchase experience with dealers.
You will receive a series of email communication throughout the various steps of the review process. If at any point you have questions, feel free to reply to any of those emails and a member of our business development team will be in touch to assist.